1 | Democratic | D |
2 | Republican | R |
3 | Independent | IND |
4 | Libertarian | LIB |
5 | Green | Green |
6 | Working Families | WF |
7 | Constitution | Const. |
8 | American Independent Party | AIP |
9 | Socialist | Socialist |
10 | Peace & Freedom | P&F |
11 | Unaffiliated | UA |
12 | Upstate Jobs Party | UJP |
13 | Liberty Union | LBU |
14 | U.S. Marijuana Party | USM |
15 | US Taxpayers | UST |
16 | Unity | |
17 | American Shopping | |
18 | New Independent Party Iowa | |
19 | Forefathers | |
20 | Independence | IDP |
21 | Legal Marijuana Now | |
22 | Reform | REF |
23 | Veterans | VET |
24 | American | AMP |
25 | Independent American | IAP |
26 | Trump Conservative | |
27 | Progressive | PRO |
28 | Pacific Green | PG |
30 | Independent Party of Oregon | |
31 | Mountain | MTP |
32 | Conservative and Unionist | CON |
33 | Labour | LAB |
34 | Liberal Democrat | LibDem |
35 | Plaid Cymru | PC |
36 | UK Independence Party | UKIP |
37 | Scottish National Party | SNP |
38 | Monster Raving Loony | Loony |
39 | Ulster Unionist Party | UUP |
40 | Democratic Unionist Party | DUP |
41 | Social Democratic and Labour Party | SDLP |
42 | Sinn Fein | SF |
43 | Alliance Party of Northern Ireland | APNI |
44 | Traditional Unionist Voice | TUV |
45 | English Democrats | EngDem |
46 | Yorkshire | Yorks |
47 | Labour Co-op | Lab Co-op |
48 | British National Party | BNP |
49 | Libertarian UK | Libertarian UK |
50 | Socialist Party of Great Britain | SPGB |
51 | Christian Peoples Alliance | CPA |
52 | Workers Party | WP |
53 | People Before Profit | PBP |
55 | Open Borders Party | Open |
56 | Socialist Labour Party | Soc Lab |
57 | Marshall of The Space Navies | Space |
59 | Pirate Party | PPUK |
60 | Better For Bradford | Bradford |
61 | Money Free Party | Money |
62 | Speaker | Speaker |
64 | Rebooting | Rebooting |
65 | Patria | Patria |
66 | Young People's Party | Young |
67 | Concordia | Concordia |
68 | Humanity | Humanity |
69 | Wessex Regionist | Wessex Regionist |
70 | National Health Action | NHAP |
71 | North East Party | NE Party |
73 | Referendum | Referendum |
74 | Sovereign | Sovereign |
75 | Soc Dem | Soc Dem |
76 | Peace | Peace |
77 | Animal Welfare Party | AWP |
78 | Justice & Anti-Corruption Party | JACP |
79 | Radical | Radical |
80 | Women | Women |
82 | Christian Party | Christian |
83 | Communist League | CommLge |
84 | Green Soc | Green Soc |
85 | War Veteran's Pro-Traditional Family Party | WVPTFP |
86 | Realist | Realist |
87 | Populist Party | Populist |
88 | The Just Political Party | Just |
89 | Apolitical Democrats | ApolDem |
90 | Putting North of England People First | NorthFirst |
91 | Church of the Militant Elvis Party | Elvis |
92 | Demos Direct Initiative | DemosDirect |
93 | New Society of Worth | Worth |
94 | Active Dem | Active Dem |
95 | Greater Manchester Homeless Voice | GM Homeless |
96 | Southend | Southend |
97 | Citizens | Citizens |
98 | Compass | Compass |
99 | Justice for Men & Boys | Justice for Men & Boys |
100 | Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition | Trade Unionist and Socia |
29 | America's Party | AP |
54 | Prohibition | PP |
72 | Nutrition | NP |
63 | Workers World | WWP |
58 | Revolutionary | RP |
101 | Yorkshire First | Yorkshire First |
102 | Vapers In Power | Vapers In Power |
103 | Patriotic Socialist Party | Patriotic Socialist Party |
104 | Left Unity - Trade Unionists and Socialists | Left Unity - Trade Union |
105 | All People's Party | All People's Party |
106 | Republican Socialist Party | Republican Socialist Par |
107 | Communities United Party | Communities United Party |
108 | Cannabis is Safer than Alcohol Party | Cannabis is Safer than A |
109 | Whig Party | Whig Party |
110 | 30-50 Coalition | 30-50 Coalition |
111 | Red Flag - Anti-Corruption | Red Flag - Anti-Corrupti |
112 | Christian Party, Proclaiming Christ's Lordship | Christian Party, Proclai |
113 | Respect | Respect |
114 | Communist Party of Britain | Communist Party of Brita |
115 | Liberty GB | Liberty GB |
116 | Social Democratic Party | Social Democratic Party |
117 | Northern Party | Northern Party |
118 | Independence from Europe | Independence from Europe |
119 | Pilgrim Party | Pilgrim Party |
120 | Bournemouth Independent Alliance | Bournemouth Independent |
121 | British Democratic Party | British Democratic Party |
122 | Independents for Bristol | Independents for Bristol |
123 | World Peace Through Song | World Peace Through Song |
124 | Mebyon Kernow | Mebyon Kernow |
125 | Rebooting Democracy | Rebooting Democracy |
126 | Christian Peoples Alliance Party | Christian Peoples Allian |
127 | National Front | National Front |
128 | Above and Beyond Party | Above and Beyond Party |
129 | Liberal | Liberal |
130 | Peace Party | Peace Party |
131 | Class War | Class War |
132 | Christian Movement for Great Britain | Christian Movement for G |
133 | Mainstream | Mainstream |
134 | UK Progressive Democracy Party | UK Progressive Democracy |
135 | Putting Croydon First! | Putting Croydon First! |
136 | British Independents | British Independents |
137 | Humanity Party | Humanity Party |
138 | Apni Party | Apni Party |
139 | Europeans Party | Europeans Party |
140 | National Liberal Party | National Liberal Party |
141 | Beer, Baccy and Scratchings | Beer, Baccy and Scratchi |
142 | Linconshire Independents | Linconshire Independents |
143 | Guildford Greenbelt Group | Guildford Greenbelt Group |
144 | Communist League Election Campaign | Communist League Electio |
145 | Campaign | Campaign |
146 | U(niversal) Party | U(niversal) Party |
147 | Save Hartlepool Hospital | Save Hartlepool Hospital |
149 | Hoi Polloi | Hoi Polloi |
150 | Digital Democracy | Digital Democracy |
151 | Alliance for Green Socialism | Alliance for Green Socia |
152 | New Independent Centralists | New Independent Centrali |
153 | Lewisham People Before Profit | Lewisham People Before P |
154 | Democratic Reform Party | Democratic Reform Party |
155 | Pluralist Party | Pluralist Party |
156 | Sustainable Population Party | Sustainable Population P |
157 | Keep It Real Party | Keep It Real Party |
158 | Consensus | Consensus |
159 | Apolitical Democrat | Apolitical Democrat |
160 | Restore the Family For Children's Sake | Restore the Family For C |
161 | Party for a United Thanet | Party for a United Thanet |
162 | Party for Poole People Ltd. | Party for Poole People L |
163 | Justice and Anti-Corruption Party | Justice and Anti-Corrupt |
164 | Roman Party. Ave | Roman Party. Ave |
165 | Independent Political Alliance Party | Independent Political Al |
166 | Rochdale First Party | Rochdale First Party |
167 | Islam Zinda Baad Platform | Islam Zinda Baad Platform |
168 | Residents for Uttlesford | Residents for Uttlesford |
169 | We Are Reality Party | We Are Reality Party |
170 | Children of the Atom | Children of the Atom |
172 | Movement for Active Democracy | Movement for Active Demo |
173 | Manston Airport Independent Party | Manston Airport Independ |
174 | We Are The Reality Party | We Are The Reality Party |
175 | Al-Zebabist Nation of Ooog | Al-Zebabist Nation of Oo |
176 | Common Sense Party | Common Sense Party |
177 | Southport Party | Southport Party |
178 | Ubuntu Party | Ubuntu Party |
179 | Population Party UK | Population Party UK |
180 | Free Public Transport Party | Free Public Transport Pa |
181 | Principles of Politics Party | Principles of Politics P |
182 | Magna Carta Party | Magna Carta Party |
279 | Cannon Fire | CF |
171 | American Delta | ADP |
183 | Eccentric Party of Great Britain | Eccentric Party of Great |
184 | Realists' Party | Realists' Party |
185 | Birthday Party | Birthday Party |
186 | Wessex Reg | Wessex Reg |
187 | Reduce VAT in Sport | Reduce VAT in Sport |
188 | Give Me Back Elmo | Give Me Back Elmo |
189 | Land Party | Land Party |
190 | Magna Carta Conservation Party Great Britain | Magna Carta Conservation |
191 | Evolution Party | Evolution Party |
192 | Independent Community and Health Concern | Independent Community an |
193 | Scottish Socialist Party | Scottish Socialist Party |
194 | People First - Gwerin Gyntaf | People First - Gwerin Gy |
195 | Alter Change - Politics. Only Different. | Alter Change - Politics. |
196 | Independent Save Withybush Save Lives | Independent Save Withybu |
197 | Write-in | WrtIn |
198 | Reduce Property Taxes | RPT |
199 | We The People | WTP |
200 | United Utah | UU |
201 | No Party Preference | NPP |
202 | FDFR Party | |
203 | Human Rights Party | |
204 | Stand Up America Party | SUA |
205 | Freedom Socialist Party | |
206 | Moderate GOP Party | |
207 | Trump Populist Party | |
208 | Independent Centrist Party | |
209 | Independent Progressive Party | |
210 | Conservative | Consv |
211 | Clear Water Party of Iowa | ClrWtr |
212 | Earth Rights | ER |
213 | Moderate | MOD |
216 | Natural Law | NL |
217 | U. S. Taxpayers | UST |
218 | Working Class | WC |
219 | Grassroots | GR |
220 | Make It Simple | MIS |
221 | New Day NJ | NDNJ |
222 | For The People | FTP |
223 | Economic Growth | EC |
224 | We Deserve Better | WDB |
225 | Your Voice Heard | YVH |
226 | Cannot Be Bought | CBB |
227 | Time for Truth | TFT |
228 | Check This Column | CTC |
229 | Ed the Barber | |
230 | The Inclusion Candidate | |
231 | Time for Change | |
232 | Trade Health Environment | THE |
233 | Freedom Responsibility Action | FRA |
234 | New Way Forward | NWF |
235 | C4C 2018 | C4C |
236 | Never Give Up | NGU |
237 | Honesty Integrity Compassion | HIC |
238 | Rent is 2 Damn High | RI2DH |
239 | Serve America Movement | SAM |
240 | Women's Equality | WE |
241 | Friends of Diane Neal | FDN |
242 | Nonpartisan | Nonp |
243 | Propuesta Republicana | |
244 | Justicialist | |
245 | Justicialist Party | |
246 | Partido de los Trabajadores Socialistas | |
247 | Partido Libertario | |
248 | Bandera Vecinal | |
249 | Nuevo Movimiento al Socialismo | |
250 | NOS | |
251 | Partido Autonomista Nacional | |
252 | American Solidarity | AS |
253 | Democratic/Republican | D/R |
254 | No Party Affiliation | NPA |
255 | Unenrolled | UNE |
256 | Uptown Rises | UTR |
257 | Republican/Conservative | Rep/Con |
258 | Education is Key | EiK |
259 | Alaska Independence Party | AIP |
260 | Trump Republican | TRP |
261 | JFK Republican | JFKR |
262 | MAGA Republican | MAGA |
263 | Congress Sucks | CSP |
264 | America First Republican | AFR |
265 | Union | UP |
266 | The Elven Way | TEW |
267 | Alliance | AP |
268 | Independent Republican | IRP |
269 | Progressive Dem | PDP |
270 | Forward | FP |
271 | Election Integrity | EIP |
272 | Keystone | KPP |
273 | Approval Voting Party | AVP |
274 | Freedom Party | FP |
275 | National Union Party | NUP |
276 | Unity Party of Colorado | UPC |
277 | Colorado Center Party | CCP |
278 | Liberty Caucus | LC |
280 | Not for Sale | NFS |
281 | God Save America | GSA |
282 | Progress with Pam | PWP |
283 | American Values | AV |
284 | Together We Stand | TWS |
285 | Move Everyone Forward | MEF |
286 | New Jersey First | NJF |
287 | Labour Party | LP |
288 | Other | OTH |
289 | Socialist Workers | SWP |
290 | Truth and Merit | T&M |
291 | Jobs and Justice | J&J |
292 | The Mahali Party | TMP |
293 | Together We Can | TWC |
294 | United Citizens | UCP |
295 | Upwising WV | UWV |
296 | Americans Coming Together | ACT |
297 | Fostering Our Vote | FOV |
298 | Real Maine Independent | RMI |
299 | Compassionate Patriotic American | CPA |
300 | Independent for Maine | IfM |
301 | Your Local Independent | YLI |
302 | Practical Thrifty Independent | PTI |
303 | A True Independent | ATI |
304 | Green Mountain | GMP |
305 | Aloha Aina | AAP |
306 | The Going Away Party | GAP |
307 | Independence Party of Minnesota | IPM |
309 | Medical Freedom | MFP |
310 | Parent Party | PP |
311 | Independence-Alliance Party of Minnesota | IAPM |
312 | Vermont Progressive | VPP |
313 | LaRouche | LR |
81 | Socialism and Liberation | SaL |
148 | Socialist Equality | SEP |
215 | Pacifist | PP |
327 | Calm Rational GOP | CRGOP |
328 | MAGA Democrat | MAGAD |
329 | Bipartisan | BP |
330 | Nonsense Busters | NB |
331 | Liberal Republican | LR |
332 | No Labels | NL |
333 | Culture Republican | CR |
334 | Forward & Democrat | FaD |
335 | Antiadministration | AA |
337 | Registered Veterans of Alaska | RVA |
347 | Peace and Justice | PaJ |
348 | Disrupt the Corruption | DtC |
349 | Join the Revolution | JtR |
350 | Why not Wynn | WnW |
351 | Ceasefire and Justice | CaJ |
352 | Peace Freedom Liberty | PFL |
353 | All of Us | AoU |
354 | C4C 2024 | C4C |
355 | Social Activist | SA |
356 | Truth Freedom Prosperity | TFP |
357 | George Wallace | GW |